Interested in rich, interactive map widget that shows where fires happened in your county?
Get this real time fire widget map for YOUR website:
Here’s the Code:
<div id="mapid" style="width: 100%; height: 400px;"></div> <script> var firedamagedproperties_widget_config = { "county" : "Los Angeles", "state" : "CA" }; </script> <script src=""></script>
Recommended size is “100% for width of the div that contains the map (for mobile responsiveness) and at least 400px for height (anything smaller is hard to see, especially on mobile).
Just make sure to change the “county” and “state” fields “firedamagedproperties_widget_config” variable to the county/state of your choice.
Make sure that you have the correct county / state (abbreviation) for the widget to work correctly. You can find the state/ county names here.